The slim beauty

The slim beauty

Saturday, August 30, 2008

How to avoid Body Odour?

Generally our mind and body is the main reason for Body odour. The effect of various feelings like more happiness, more sorrows, high tension, more $exual feelings forms the main reason for mind related body odour. During these time, all the glands act fast and generates more liquid inside the body. Due to this, colorless, odourless comes outside our body along with Bacteria and it mixes with sweat to form Body odour.
Moreover the type of food we intake more also lead to the body odour. Onion, Garlic, certain type of fishes, lavender, some masala items are main reasons for Body odour. Fatty people have high amount of Bacterias in action and hence more odour occur.Diabetes patients are also the victims of this body odour.

How to prevent body odour?
  • Take more Orange, pineapple, green leaves. The fiber products available in these fruit help in controlling Body odour.
  • Take more water daily.
  • Keep your body clean and independent of sweat by taking bath twice a day.
  • Not only clothes, the inner clothes should be maintained clean and pure.
  • Use cotton clothes rather than any other type of clothes. Because they are good in absorbing the sweat quickly.
  • Keep your mind calm and silent all the time. Don't cross the limit on your feelings whether happy/sad.
  • For certain people, the inner feet will sweat more and causes more bad smell. Those people should use ventilated(air) chappals or shoes.
If you follow the above steps daily, definitely within 15 days you can get rid of all body odour/smell and enjoy a fresh air.

For Skin care and maintenance tips, Click here.

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