The slim beauty

The slim beauty

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How Music Heals Diseases - Stress Relief Tips

Several scientists researched on the topic of how music heals several human diseases and problems related to mind. They found amazing results and concluded that Music can heal many of the human diseases including the hereditary problems like fits, strokes etc... Music is mainly related to the brain, heart and nerves. When right music is played, some form of chemical reaction takes place in our brain and it induces the emotion related nerves. And this induction activity pass across the enire body with great vibrations to help in cure diseases. Not all music cures diseases but only the Quality melodious, heart touching, classical music is having this kind of good vibrations. The jazz, pop music with greatest noise produced in drums create negative activity in our body. They are not real music but produce noise pollution. Those ones rather creating good vibrations, causes in collapsing of nerve activity. More importantly, one of the musical instrument called Veena has the capability of producing a very melodious and divine vibrations all around the surroundings. An interesting news is that an unborn child starts and enjoys listening to music from the fifth month of its mother's pregnancy. The child who listens to melodious music in this kind seems to be more knowledgeable and with more IQ when compared to other children.
Some of the carnatic Ragas are listed below with their wonderful features.
Sankarabharanam ........... Helps to cure Heart attacks, High/Low Blood Pressures
Sama ............................. To get relief from stress and to get a calm mind (immediate effect)
Ahiri ............................... Stimulates digestion and hunger
Nilambari ....................... To get pleasant sleep quickly (without pills)
Bouli .............................. Wakes up from sleep (without alarm clocks)
Thodi ............................. To get rid of memory loss & forgetfull ness, improves patience
Mohanam........................ Helps to cure Fits, Nervous disability & depression
Karaharapriya ................. Helps to cure all kind of strokes & mental disorders
Vasantha/Kamavardhini... Creates/Stimulates love feelings with partners

Nowadays, mostly the top level managers/officials, Computer Engineers are put up with more stress and pressure in their work/business. In order to get rid of stress and work pressure, a soothy classical music mentioned above will be the definite solution for mind relaxation and stress relief.

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